Thursday, June 19, 2014

'Game Of Thrones' Season 5 Will Finally Visit Dorne

Oberyn Martell may be (spoiler alert!) gone from "Game of Thrones," but that doesn't mean all things Dornish are.

The Prince of Dorne graced the halls of King's Landing in Season 4 of "GoT" when he left his homeland to settle a debt with the Lannisters. Although he was on the HBO series for less than a full season, fans quickly fell in love with Oberyn for his unusually open-minded mentality and adventurous taste. Dorne, one of the nine regions of the Seven Kingdoms, has been described as a place where bastards aren't as disgraced, women can receive inheritance (as opposed to other regions), and where wine and women are plentiful.

Now we're finally going to get to see Dorne on "Game of Thrones." Writers Dan Weiss and David Benioff told Entertainment Weekly that there are drafts of every episode of Season 5 and there will be some time in Dorne. "There will be Dorne, and we’re excited about it," the writers said via email. "Who wouldn’t want to hang out in Dorne? They have admirable values and priorities. And have you seen Oberyn’s coat?"

With its fluid sexuality, elegant fashion and sun, Dorne sounds like a pretty awesome place and we can't wait to see it next season. Oberyn will be there in spirit.

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