Monday, October 24, 2016

Rapper Jay Z will headline a concert for Hillary Clinton

Rapper Jay Z will headline a concert for Hillary Clinton in Cleveland before Election Day, according to a Clinton aide.
The event -- which aides expect will draw thousands -- is part of an ongoing series of concerts that aim to motivate young people to turn out for Clinton the way they turned out for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.Jay Z is not the first member of his household to help Clinton. Iconic artist Beyonce, Jay Z's wife, attended a Clinton fundraiser in New York City in 2015. She has not, however, performed on Clinton's behalf.Jay Z's event is targeted specifically at young black voters, an electoral demographic that has been reluctant to rally around Clinton, in part, because of comments she made in the 1990s and her support of President Bill Clinton's crime bill.
Clinton's campaign has also enlisted help from Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, John Legend and others to engage young voters.Cyrus knocked on doors at George Mason University over the weekend, hoping to use her stardom to spur students to vote for Clinton. Lets hope the efforts are not in vain.

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