Thursday, May 22, 2014

Malawi minister commits suicide over poll results

A Malawian deputy minister on Thursday committed suicide, apparently over losing his parliamentary seat in this week's general election, Zodiak broadcasting station and other media reported.

Outgoing deputy Local Government Minister Godfrey Kamanya shot himself in his home. Official results of Tuesday's election are still to be announced. But preliminary election results aired on radio stations indicated Kamanya was faring badly in the poll and was likely to lose his parliamentary seat.

In a suicide note now held by police, Kamanya reportedly said he took his life because of misunderstandings related to politics. He also outlined how his wealth would be distributed and asked incumbent President Joyce Banda, under whom he served, to help pay school fees for his child.

"We had to break the door to his kitchen where he had locked himself up," Kamanya's friend Jemoth Chilapondwa - also a member of Banda's People's Party - told Zodiak.

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