Monday, October 12, 2015

Taliban says two news networks are targets

Two of Afghanistan's leading news and entertainment networks, Tolo and 1TV, were designated as "military targets" by the Taliban on Monday and their journalists were deemed "enemy personnel."
In a statement, the terrorist group warned that the networks and their employees have no immunity and urged Afghans to stop watching their programmes, citing their "disrespectful and hostile action" towards the Taliban.
The Taliban statement comes at a time when Tolo and 1TV have been
covering Kunduz extensively, which was recently retaken by government forces.
Saad Mohseni, the director of Moby Group of which Tolo TV channel is a part, said: "Proud to say that our people will always report without bias and fear. We will not be intimidated by any group."
"The Taliban statement of threat is in violation of international conventions, Islamic laws and human rights," said Najib Sharifi, director of the Afghan Journalists' Safety Committee.
He said the committee strongly condemns the Taliban statement and defended both networks saying they "have reported in line with freedom of speech rules."
According to the committee, three journalists have been killed under various circumstances, and since the beginning of this year there have been 67 cases of threats and violence against journalists.

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