Tuesday, October 13, 2015

ISIS vows to 'defeat' Russia in Syria

The Islamic State group vowed on Tuesday to defeat Russia after Moscow launched air strikes against the jihadists in Syria late last month.
"Russia will be defeated," ISIS spokesperson Abu Mohamed al-Adnani said in an audio recording posted online, calling on "Muslims everywhere to launch jihad against the Russians and the Americans."
Adnani said the United States was
weak and unable to fight the jihadist group and using Iran and Russia to strengthen its position in Syria.
The United States is willing "to forge an alliance with the devil", he said.
In contrast "the Islamic State is today stronger than ever", Adnani added.
The US leads a coalition that launched an air war against ISIS in Syria and Iraq last year.
Russia, a key ally of the Syrian regime of President Bashar Assad, began its own bombing campaign on September 30.
In the recording Adnani also warned other rebel groups fighting the Syrian regime against confronting ISIS.

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