Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Survivor of horror crash: I woke up covered in blood

Thembinkosi Wayise, a survivor of a horror accident which claimed the lives of four people on Monday, awoke from a daze to find himself covered in a friend’s blood.
Wayise had been a passenger in a ready-mix cement truck which had been travelling on the N2 northbound carriageway when it was hit head-on by another truck.
The force of impact tore the cement drum off the lorry, which careered into traffic.
He told of how he had regained consciousness to find himself awash with the dead truck driver’s blood - the truck having flipped onto its side.
"At that time I was at the bottom and my friend was above me hanging by his seatbelt. After a while my mind came back and I realised that I have been in an accident.
"I checked my body for any injuries and to my surprise I wasn't hurt, even though I had blood all over me. After examining myself, it dawned on me that it was the driver's blood that I was covered in," Wayise said.
"I tried helping him since the truck was still idling, but I couldn't find the keys. By that time the paramedics arrived and they instructed me to go to the ambulance," he said.
Wayise emerged from the crash virtually unscathed, with only a cut on his hand and soft tissue injuries to his back.
"It is by God’s grace that I'm still alive. The blood that was shed on Calvary saved me.
"I’m so sad about losing my colleague, it tears me up inside," he said.

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