Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Camerawoman fired for kicking and tripping migrants

In this image taken from TV a Hungarian camerawoman, center left in blue, kicks out at a young migrant who had just crossed the border from Serbia near Roszke Hungary.(Index.Hu. via AP)

A Hungarian camerawoman for an ultranationalist online TV channel has been fired after reporters filmed her kicking and tripping migrants as they fled from police.
Tuesday's footage went viral internationally within hours on social media. The N1TV channel's editor, Szabolcs Kisberk, said in a statement that employment of the camerawoman, widely identified as Petra Laszlo, had been "terminated with immediate effect."
He said she "behaved unacceptably" at a police-supervised collection point for Arabs, Asians and Africans crossing the border from Serbia near the village of Roszke.
In videos and images posted online by multiple videographers and photojournalists, Laszlo can be seen making sideways karate-style kicks into the knees of two people - a young man and a pony-tailed teenage girl - as they ran past her. Both stumbled but neither fell as Laszlo continued filming.
She also was seen filming a running man carrying a young boy in his arms - then sticking out her leg to trip him as he passed. The man and boy tumbled to the ground, the man falling on top of the child. The boy can be seen crying in apparent pain as the man leaps up to curse at the camerawoman, who continues to film him.

The footage trended on Twitter and was a favourite on YouTube.

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