Friday, September 12, 2014

Samsung takes 'genius' pot shots at iPhone 6

It didn't take long and most will probably not be surprised that Samsung has launched a volley of ads making fun of Apple's foray into wearable technology and the latest iPhone.
Apple on Tuesday launched a widely expected Watch designed to connect users to the iPhone, but the South Korean firm which has already released a number of wearable devices produced adverts making fun of the California company.
The ads which are titled "It doesn't take a genius", are heavy with sarcasm at Apple products, while highlighting the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 which was released in early September.
The ads feature two geniuses as a pun on Apple store employees which bumble through the features of the latest iPhone.
Samsung is often criticised as a "follower" of Apple products but the company was the first to launch large format smartphones which have spawned a new market segment widely credited with eating into the share of tablet.

Both companies are engaged in a bitter US legal struggle over patent infringements that has often spilled over to social media attacks.
The Samsung phablets as they have become known, have also re-introduced the concept of a stylus to interact with the devices.
Release cycle
The growth of the sector is a factor that inevitably convinced Apple to abandon its smaller-screen only format of the iPhone, much as the growth of smaller tablets convinced the company to introduce the iPad Mini.
While Samsung's products have not always been perfect on launch, the company has adopted a much faster release cycle which has become typical in the fast-moving tech sector.
Apple has stuck to its schedule of releasing the latest iPhone in September even though rumours circulated in June that the company would move its timetable forward to beat rivals' announcements.
The latest iPhone series is expected to be on the shelves on 19 September, though it is unclear when the device will be available in SA.
That hasn't stopped online retailer from announcing the 16GB iPhone 6 as the cheapest for R12 999 with expected availability set for 31 October.
For its part Samsung on Wednesday announced availability of its Galaxy Alpha flagship in SA for R8 999 or R499 on contract from Vodacom.
Check out the Samsung videos here

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