Friday, January 01, 2016

Train stations re-open in Munich after threat

German special police stand in front of the Munich main train station. (Sven Hoppe, AP)
Munich train stations re-opened and trains are running on New Year's Day, but a terror warning about Islamic State extremists intending to blow themselves up in the city remains in place.
Munich police tweeted on Friday that "stations are open, but the situation is still serious."
Just shortly before the city rang in the new year, Munich police had evacuated the main train station and a station in the Pasing neighbourhood. Partygoers were asked to avoid crowds.
At a late-night news conference, Bavaria's Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said a friendly foreign intelligence service had warned Germany of an imminent terror attack at midnight by between five and seven suicide bombers planning to blow themselves up at different locations in Munich including the two train stations.

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