Friday, November 13, 2015

Crowd lifts car off trapped mother and baby in Australia

A crowd of bystanders lifted a car off a mother and her baby who were trapped underneath when the vehicle crashed into them as they walked past a cafe in the Australian city of Newcastle on Friday.
Witnesses said the car reversed out of a parking space into the cafe, hitting a parked vehicle before running down the woman who was carrying her child, the broadcaster ABC reported.
The owner of the next door pub, Mark Chegwidden, helped pull the woman out from under the car.
"We called for a jack but then we all came to the determination that it would be quicker and a lot faster that if we all lifted up the vehicle, and then we got about 15 people in the community to lift up the vehicle," Chegwidden told the ABC.

"Then we just lifted it up and then one brave man hopped underneath and pulled her out.
"The baby had a scratches all over its head and there was a fair bit of blood all over its head, and the mother was bruised and scratched all over," he said.
"She wasn't saying much, she was just lying on her back relieved that she was out from under the car and her baby was alright."
Police said the mother and baby were taken to hospital. The mother, aged in her late 20s, had broken bones while the baby will be examined for possible head injuries.
The driver, aged in his 70s, was taken away by police to be tested for alcohol and an investigation is under way.

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